Upcoming Sessions
April 2-4, 2025: FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food v2.0 (Virtual)
Starting:04/02/2025 @ 08:00 AM (GMT-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)Ending:04/04/2025 @ 05:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)Type:Multi-day Session -
April 9-10, 2025: Implementing SQF Systems - Manufacturing (Virtual)
Starting:04/09/2025 @ 08:00 AM Central Time (US & Canada)Ending:04/10/2025 @ 05:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada)
See All Upcoming Sessions
La chimie alimentaire étudie les effets des aliments et des ingrédients alimentaires sur la santé humaine ainsi que leurs propriétés structurelles, fonctionnelles et nutritionnelles grâce à l'application d'un large éventail de technologies et de diverses disciplines scientifiques. Cette courte formation est destinée à vous donner une compréhension de base de la chimie des aliments et des principales méthodes d’analyse utilisées pour tester la qualité et la salubrité des aliments. À la fin de ce cours, vous obtiendrez un certificat d'achèvement que vous pourrez télécharger et conserver pour vos dossiers. Il y aura également une option pour télécharger une copie PDF du contenu de la leçon à conserver et à utiliser comme référence. Ce cours sera à votre disposition pendant 1 an à compter de la date d'achat. Read more
¿Qué es el HACCP? EL HACCP significa Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de control, es un elemento importante de un sistema de inocuidad alimentaria. Este curso cubre los siete principios del HACCP, como está integrado en un sistema de inocuidad alimentaria, y como se aplica en una industria de alimentos. *Nota: Usted podrá tener acceso a este curso por un periodo de un año a partir de la fecha de compra del mismo. Un certificado será otorgado cuando usted haya completado el curso satisfactoriamente. Read more
In this timely introductory short course, students will learn what to do when their company is faced with a crisis. Students will learn how to determine when a "situation" elevates to a "crisis" and how to manage it. Students will also learn who should be involved when handling a crisis, including who should be on the crisis management team. Finally students will learn what should be included in your crisis management plan, how to spot early warning signals, and how to test the plan's effectiveness. Topics to be covered: Crisis definitions Examples of crisis situations Early warning signals When to inform stakeholders, leadership, regulatory agencies, and the public Roles and responsibilities of the Crisis Management Team Best practices for Crisis Management Plans How to effectively test your Crisis Management Plan Who should take this course: Executive management Company communication experts QA Managers Plant Managers Procurement Health & Safety Personnel Read more
In this timely introductory short course focusing on the restaurant industry, students will learn what to do when their restaurant is faced with a crisis. Students will learn how to determine when a "situation" elevates to a "crisis" and how to manage it. Students will also learn who should be involved when handling a crisis, including who should be on the crisis management team. Finally students will learn what should be included in your crisis management plan, how to spot early warning signals, and how to test the plan's effectiveness. Topics to be covered: Crisis definitions Examples of crisis situations Early warning signals When to inform stakeholders, leadership, regulatory agencies, and the public Roles and responsibilities of the Crisis Management Team Best practices for Crisis Management Plans How to effectively test your Crisis Management Plan Who should take this course: Executive management Company communication experts QA Managers Plant Managers Procurement Health & Safety Personnel Read more
Food Chemistry studies the human health effects of food and food ingredients as well as their structural, functional and nutritional properties through the application of a large spectrum of technologies and various scientific disciplines. This short course is intended to give you a basic understanding of food chemistry and the primary testing methods used to test food for quality and safety. At the conclusion of this course you will earn a certificate of completion that you can download and keep for your records. There will also be an option to download a PDF copy of the lesson content to keep and use as a reference. This course will be available to you for 1 year from the date of purchase. Read more
We've gathered 14 courses in our Food Chemistry curriculum and bundled them together for the special price of $1000*. The following courses are included in this bundle: Ash Analysis Contaminants Fat Analysis Fiber Analysis Introduction to Food Chemistry Method Validation and Verification Moisture Analysis N.L.E.A. Labeling Rules Protein Analysis Salt and Sodium Analysis Sampling Basics Sample Preparation Shelf Life Studies Uncertainty of Measurement *Retail value $1400 Read more
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