Environmental Monitoring Implementation Practices and Procedures
An Aseptic Swabbing Techniques Training Program for Sampling the Environment and Equipment
Environmental monitoring is an important component in a food safety program. An environmental monitoring program helps companies measure the effectiveness of contamination control measures, such as good manufacturing practices (GMPs) and sanitation in the food processing environment. A well designed environmental monitoring program can be used to detect the presence of foodborne pathogens and indicator microorganisms on food equipment, food contact surfaces, non-food contact surfaces and in the food facility environment.
While sampling protocols and techniques vary among companies, this program will provide you with practical guidelines to ensure best practices. The 10 part training program was also specifically designed to enable you and your manager to discuss the specific details of your sampling program.
Lesson Topics:
- Microbiological Concerns and Monitoring
- Importance of Employee Hygiene and Protective Gear
- Preparation of Supplies for Sample Collection
- Preventing Cross-Contamination
- Overview of the Environmental and Equipment Monitoring Program
- Aseptic Swabbing Techniques Using Sponges
- Aseptic Swabbing Techniques Using Cotton Tip Swabs
- Sampling Varied Surfaces
- Procedures to Ship Samples
- Appendix A. EnviroMap
This course will be available to you for 1 year from the date of purchase.
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In this program, you will:
- Learn about microorganisms in the food plant, the role of personal hygiene, how to prepare for sampling, and prevent cross-contamination.
- Learn about sampling locations, food contact surfaces and the zone concept.
- Observe and learn how to take a step-by-step approach for performing specific sampling methods.
- Practice what you have learned and demonstrate sampling techniques and methods.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate 2025 Mérieux NutrriSciences Completion Certificate (Exam)
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