Mérieux NutriSciences Online Training Academy

Mérieux NutriSciences introduces computer-based self-directed eLearning training on an easy-to-use platform. Scroll down to view our catalog of online training.

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Si bien se sabe que la Salmonella está asociada con operaciones a base de carne, también es un peligro en las instalaciones de alimentos secos. Puede ingresar a través de materias primas, ventilación y plagas, y propagarse a través de la planta mediante zapatos, carretillas elevadoras y ruedas de carros y ropa contaminada. Este video muestra cómo reducir la Salmonella al reducir el agua en las instalaciones de procesamiento de alimentos, la limpieza y el secado adecuados de los equipos y las técnicas de limpieza en seco. Las instalaciones de procesamiento de alimentos húmedos y secos están en riesgo de contaminación por Salmonella La salmonela puede entrar a través de las materias primas y persistir en el medio ambiente. Limpieza y secado adecuados del equipo. Su compra incluye un certificado en blanco para documentar la capacitación de los empleados. También disponible en inglés. While Salmonella is known to be associated with meat based operations, it is also a hazard in dry food facilities as well. It can enter through raw ingredients, ventilation, and pests, and be spread through the plant by shoes, forklift and cart wheels, and contaminated clothing. This video shows how to reduce Salmonella by reducing water in food processing facilities, proper cleaning and drying of equipment, and dry cleaning techniques. Wet and dry food processing facilities are at risk for Salmonella contamination Salmonella can enter through raw ingredients and persist in the environment Proper cleaning and drying of equipment Your purchase includes a blank certificate to document employee training. Also available in English. Read more

Special Offer We've combined our English and Spanish language versions of Environmental Monitoring Implementation Practices and Procedures for the special discounted price of $299. What you'll get: English and Spanish language versions of the training program Instructor Manuals (English and Spanish) Student Workbooks (English and Spanish) Certificates to Document Employee Training Environmental Monitoring Implementation Practices and Procedures  An Aseptic Swabbing Techniques Training Program for Sampling the Environment and Equipment Environmental monitoring is an important component in a food safety program. An environmental monitoring program helps companies measure the effectiveness of contamination control measures, such as good manufacturing practices (GMPs) and sanitation in the food processing environment. A well designed environmental monitoring program can be used to detect the presence of foodborne pathogens and indicator microorganisms on food equipment, food contact surfaces, non-food contact surfaces and in the food facility environment. You play a critical role in ensuring the safety and quality of your product when you collect samples for your company’s environmental monitoring program. The food safety experts at Mérieux NutriSciences have drawn upon their knowledge of the microbial ecology of food plants to develop this training material. It is our goal to provide you with a comprehensive training program that is both practical and scientifically sound. While sampling protocols and techniques vary among companies, this program will provide you with practical guidelines to ensure best practices. The 10 part training program was also specifically designed to enable you and your manager to discuss the specific details of your sampling program. This program can be presented in a large group setting with a facilitator or in single learner sessions. A downloadable digital instructor manual and student manual is included with the program. A certificate is also included to document employee training.  Lesson Topics: Microbiological Concerns and Monitoring Importance of Employee Hygiene and Protective Gear Preparation of Supplies for Sample Collection Preventing Cross-Contamination Overview of the Environmental and Equipment Monitoring Program Aseptic Swabbing Techniques Using Sponges Aseptic Swabbing Techniques Using Cotton Tip Swabs Sampling Varied Surfaces Procedures to Ship Samples Appendix A. EnviroMap Read more

We've bundled four of our most popular GMP videos together for the special offer of $350 ($70 savings!). All videos are presented in Spanish. What's included: Como Evitar la Contaminación Microbiana Cruzada (Avoiding Microbial Cross-Contamination) - This video discusses sources of bacteria in food facilities such as poultry, meat, agricultural products, and people. The importance of preventing the introduction of bacteria after the kill step is also addressed as well as proper traffic routes, frock and glove changes, hand washing, rework, and the importance of separate maintenance tools for finished product areas. Prácticas de Higiene de los Empleados (Employee Hygiene Practices) - This very detailed video discusses proper employee hygiene practices and what to do if employees are ill. Personal hygiene habits, correct hand washing procedures, jewelry, and proper use of hair and beard nets are addressed. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and prevention of product contamination are also discussed. Normas Para el Personal de Mantenimiento (Guidelines for Maintenance Personnel) - This video addresses GMP Basics from a maintenance worker’s viewpoint, and also includes proper hygiene, frock, and hair net usage. The information is very detailed and shows real world examples of cross contamination and proper equipment repair. It also focuses on the importance of promoting food safety culture from within the maintenance department. Higiene Inteligente (Smart Sanitation) - Sanitation is very important for consumer health and shelf life of food products. Factors considered include equipment, employees, packaging materials, excess water, floor mats, buttons/switches, rodents, and pests. Problem areas to focus on include growth niches in seams, floor cracks and drains, ledges, equipment, and absorbent materials; and a sanitation schedule is necessary. The eight steps for proper cleaning and sanitation are taught in this video. Actual retail price: $420 Read more

Este curso acreditado por la Alianza Internacional HACCP adentrara a los estudiantes al Análisis de Peligros y Puntos críticos de Control (HACCP por sus siglas en inglés). Conforme a la FDA (2018), el HACCP es un “sistema de gestión en donde la inocuidad alimentaria se controla a través del análisis y control de peligros biológicos, químicos y físicos, desde la recepción de la materia prima, el proceso de adquisición y manejo, la manufactura, hasta la distribución y consumo del producto terminado”1.  Los estudiantes aprenderán los 7-principios del HACCP y como aplicarlo para desarrollar, implementar, y gestionar planes HACCP. Los participantes obtendrán un certificado sello dorado HACCP, de la Alianza Internacional HACCP, al pasar un examen final de 40-preguntas. El certificado impreso con el sello dorado de la Alianza HACCP le será enviado por correo en un lapso de 7-10 días hábiles. Usted tendrá acceso a este curso por un año contando desde la fecha de compra. 1U.S. Food & Drug Administration. (2018, January 29). Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). Retrieved from https://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/HACCP Precio especial de lanzamiento por tiempo limitado: $375*  *Precio normal $420 Read more

  La chimie alimentaire étudie les effets des aliments et des ingrédients alimentaires sur la santé humaine  ainsi que leurs propriétés structurelles, fonctionnelles et nutritionnelles grâce à l'application d'un large éventail de technologies et de diverses disciplines scientifiques. Cette courte formation est destinée à vous donner une compréhension de base de la chimie des aliments et des principales méthodes d’analyse utilisées pour tester la qualité et la salubrité des aliments. À la fin de ce cours, vous obtiendrez un certificat d'achèvement que vous pourrez télécharger et conserver pour vos dossiers. Il y aura également une option pour télécharger une copie PDF du contenu de la leçon à conserver et à utiliser comme référence. Ce cours sera à votre disposition pendant 1 an à compter de la date d'achat. Read more

¿Qué es el HACCP? EL HACCP significa Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de control, es un elemento importante de un sistema de inocuidad alimentaria. Este curso cubre los siete principios del HACCP, como está integrado en un sistema de inocuidad alimentaria, y como se aplica en una industria de alimentos. *Nota: Usted podrá tener acceso a este curso por un periodo de un año a partir de la fecha de compra del mismo. Un certificado será otorgado cuando usted haya completado el curso satisfactoriamente. Read more

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