Food Additive and Ingredient Statement Regulatory Requirements

3 modules


Course Length
35 mins

Margaret Ciaccio

$99.00 USD


Understanding the requirements for ingredient statement food labeling and the specific requirements and formats dictated by the FDA and USDA can be tricky. In this short course, we demystify the requirements and formats required for FDA and USDA regulated. This short course will also teach how existing and new food additives are determined to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for use in food. Additional areas of focus in this course include ingredient statements, food additive function and category use, and ingredient statement labeling formats.

Who should take this course

Quality assurance, laboratory, manufacturing, and beginner regulatory professionals who want to understand the basics of ingredient food labeling regulatory requirements.

*Note: This course will be available to you for 1 year from the date of purchase. A certificate will be issued upon successful completion of the course.​


  • Understand the difference between FDA and USDA regulated food products.
  • Discuss food additive use in different product types and discussion of usage rates for effectiveness and safety.
  • Understand how novel food additives are approved for use in food products.
  • Create a compliant ingredient statement for a food product.  


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate 2025 Mérieux NutrriSciences Completion Certificate (Exam)

Food Additive & Ingredient Statement Regulatory Requirements
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